5 Jahre Transition Center SSUDK Stipendien / finanzielle Unterstützung 2016 – 2021

Rund 500 darstellende Künstler*innen konnten von den Angeboten des Projekt Transition- Center SSUDK profitieren. 49 darstellende Künstler*innen (davon 44 Tänzer*innen) könnten durch die Stiftung  von einer finanziellen Unterstützung für ihre Umschulung profitieren. Insgesamt wurden CHF 200’657 an Stipendien vergeben.

Folgende Ausbildungen haben sie gewählt

  • They chose the following training courses
  •  ABT “Certified Teacher National Training Curriculum” (New York, Correspondent)*
  • Art of Motion Training in Movement (Bern)
  • BA Cultural Studies at the University of Hagen
  • BA of Science, Psychology” University of Fribourg
  •  BA Science in Social Work” HS Lucerne
  •  Vocational Baccalaureate in Health and Social Work (St. Gallen)
  •  Clothing designer EFZ (Fricktal Vocational Centre)
  • Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (Zurich)*
  • Bio-Medica School of Massage (Geneva)
  • Certified teacher PDTDC of the Royal Academy of Dancing” RAD (Berlin)*
  • Certified animal kinesiologist NGL
  • Interpreter for authorities and courts (St.Gallen)
  • Federally certified complementary therapist
  • Educational guidance of young children
  • Eurythmy Pedagogy Studies (Dornach)
  • Executive Master in Arts Administration” (EMAA) (University of Zurich)*
  • “Expanded Theatre” University of Applied Sciences Bern*
  • Gyrotonic Instructor (Basel)
  • Cultural Management CAS Studies (Lucerne)
  • CAP Cuisine” cookery training (France)
  • Master’s degree in curative education at the HfH (Zurich)
  • MA Choreographer ZHdK (Zurich)*
  • MA Contemporary Arts Practice HKB (Berne)
  • Master Dance: Teaching and Coaching Dance Professionals
  • MA in Architectural drawing, Scenography. (stage design) MA in Pattern making, and Tailoring expert. (costume design) (Spain)
  • MAS “Arts Management” ZHAW (Winterthur)
  • Master of Arts Expanded Theatre HKB Bern*
  • Master Studies in Dance Science University of Bern*
  • Master Dance: Teaching and Coaching Dance Professionals (ZHdK Zurich)
  • Medical Basics for Health Insurance Recognition (Zurich)
  • Pattern Making” at the “Istituto di Moda Burgo” (Meiland)
  • “Psychomotor Therapist
  • Rolfing therapist*
  • Swiss Textile College for “Fashion & Design” (Zurich)
  • Dramatherapy studies (St. Gallen)
  • “Certified SAFE® teacher (SAFE FLOOR, SAFE BARRE) (New York)
  • “WestMed Basis” at the Bio-Medica (Basel)
  • Yoga Instructor (Zurich)

*mehr als ein*e Künstler*in hat diese Ausbildung gewählt.


5 years transition center